Magic Writing Spell

Well doesn’t this sound like fun — creating and casting a magic spell to help draft a book and get it published? Wands at the ready my darlings. Alakazam!

Okay, forget the hocus-pocus and abracadabra. I hate to break it to you sweet ones, but there is no magic spell or charm for writing a book. Hard work, learning the craft, determination, setting aside time, practice, research, and a myriad of other things go into drafting a nonfiction book or novel and seeing it published.
However, just like with a magic spell, aspiring authors can determine intention, establish, strengthen, and use their voice to add power to a narrative, choose words carefully and skillfully to match that voice, create a ritual, include some symbolism, use sensory details and descriptive language to convey their story’s message, practice mindfulness and manifestation to help visualize goals and outcome, take inspired action, be open to receiving, and reflect to find out what works and what doesn’t.

MAGICUS PRAECANTATIO — magical sorcery
Whenever I think of magic spells, I immediately think Latin, the classic language once used throughout the ancient Roman Empire. The Latin language is beautiful and adds an air of mystery. Latin words sound medieval and when chanted can generate an atmosphere of morose or dark circumstances. Latin words somehow ring with a sense of power and can also invoke positivity. There is magic galore in one of my fantasy novels, and I employ Latin in many of the spells, potion ingredients, prose, and dialogue.

NAVITAS MOTUS — energy emotion
Energy and emotions play a role in conjuring a potent spell. To make a story powerful aspiring authors must connect with their emotions and their WIP. They must focus their energy on the story and what’s best for the characters and plot. The ego that rears its ugly head needs a good talking to. If the ego is allowed to dictate emotions, the story might suffer or not be the best it could be. That’s because the ego sometimes gets in the way of following sound advice. Check your ego at the door and listen to feedback that makes sense. Use your emotions and energy in the most positive way possible to bring your idea to fruition. Focus on going for the great by allowing some opinions in.

GRIMOIRE — a spell book of magical knowledge used by wizards to help them follow the rules
Everything we do requires a set of rules or requirements. Magic spells and penning books are no different. We must adhere to grammar rules, story structure rules, genre rules, dialogue rules, punctuation and spelling rules, query and synopsis rules, plot requirements, character requirements, chapter requirements, sensory detail requirements, and research requirements, etc. You get the picture. Follow the rules and apply them accordingly, peeps.

OPEN SESAME — an incantation used to achieve a result, to open a door like finding representation, achieving publication, or unlocking potential
Slam open the door to your potential by believing in yourself, setting goals, and starting that book you’ve been meaning to write. Make writing a priority. Claim an inspiring writing spot. Hone the craft. Create a vision board or box. These concepts should all be in your wheelhouse. If not, add them to your to-do list pronto.
Doors will open if the rules for drafting a book are followed and the guidelines set forth by individual agents or publishers are adhered to. We can chant open sesame until we get laryngitis, but if the rules are cast aside and we don’t align our actions with our intent, the doors may not open.

PRESTO CHANGO — a spell used to invoke quick change
Unfortunately, this incantation doesn’t work for book writing. We can still employ the concept by quickly realizing we may not know everything. The writing process and hence completing the drafting of a novel will go smoothly and swiftly if we increase knowledge, listen to and apply constructive feedback, and lean into accepted practices of storytelling and book creation. So, yeah, Presto Chango — ourselves.

SIM SALA BIM — be thankful
Be grateful for the ability to summon the skill of storytelling and thankful for all the resources and opportunities available to aspiring authors to help on the writing journey and road to publication.
I have a few incantations of my own that may not constitute a magic spell but they’re fun and honest.
