If Writers Threw Their Writing Problems in a Pile
We are all different writers with varied styles and writing struggles. Newbies may believe their writing difficulties are horrendous and worse than the next writer. Whether it’s writer’s block, writing envy, lack of confidence, or plain old grammatical troubles, we all have our fair share of issues. However, I’m convinced if we all threw our writing problems in a pile and saw everyone’s issues, we’d probably grab our own back.
My twist on this is that after we throw our writing woes in the pile, we share our dilemmas. We are not alone, and we can help each other. Your migraine headache of a writing snag might be the bane of your existence, but only a slight pain in the arse to someone else.
Imagine a pile of five writing problems. I’ll pull each challenge one at a time and offer a solution.
Walk away from your writing. Clear your head. Find inspiration, it’s all around you. Listen to music, meditate, do yoga – even a shower can break up writer’s block.
https://www.wordytips.com/post/beating-the-winter-writing-blues https://www.wordytips.com/post/writer-s-block-how-to-tackle-that-sneaky-magilla
Douse the need for competition. Don’t focus on other writers and try to emulate them. You should only be competing with yourself to hone your craft and make your writing better than it was yesterday. Write from your heart and soul in your own style. Write a fresh story with compelling characters and you’re halfway there. https://www.wordytips.com/post/building-characters-from-the-toes-up
Hire a proofreader or invest in grammar/writing software. If that’s not an option due to cashflow trouble, comb the Internet for writing tips, https://www.facebook.com/wordytips writing groups, writing gurus, punctuation, and grammar geek websites. Check back here every week for new writing tips and blog articles. Remember, keep writing. The more you write, the better your writing gets. Also read, read, read! Read books in your genre and out of it. Read while scouting for proper writing mechanics.
Scour your manuscript for plot problems, make a list of major and minor plot holes and brainstorm solutions to plug them up. Find beta readers to read your manuscript. They can provide invaluable constructive feedback about your story and detect issues with plot, among other things. https://www.wordytips.com/post/crazy-eights
Make a list of all the characters in your manuscript. Spice up the dull ones, dress down the over-the-top ones, especially if your protagonist falls into one of those categories. Readers want to like your protagonist and root for them. Give each character something special, something for readers to connect with and remember. https://www.wordytips.com/post/building-characters-from-the-toes-up
What are some of your writing struggles? You might be surprised that others share your writing problems, or even may have it worse. So, own your writing troubles and find solutions to fix them.