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New Writing You in 2022

Everyone makes resolutions ahead of the coming year. You’ve got your standard weight loss and exercise resolutions that usually fail a week into the new year. There's the ever-popular personal pledges to improve some part of our emotional selves; take things in stride, don’t react to triggers, seek out kumbaya moments, practice kindness. And don’t forget the trendy vow to take up a new hobby; learn to cook, start a new collection, create some art. These are all worthwhile decrees and by all means, partake, but I’m proposing writing resolutions for 2022.

If you’re new to the writing scene, make it your business to promise your inner writing star that you will make time to write. Create a space unique to you that motivates and inspires you to write. Seek out writing websites, forums, and groups to join. Hone your craft by learning about how to structure a story properly. Practice proper punctuation. Alert yourself to alliteration and the like. Scour the Internet for writing tips and grammar rules.

If you’re at the my-book-is-done stage. Make sure your story shines. Nail your opening line to grab attention. Be certain your first pages are error-free and amazing. Ensure that each chapter makes the reader want to read more. Check to see whether you are in the correct genre lane. Confirm that your word count meets the requirement for your genre. Fix stylistic and grammar mistakes. Find a good proofreader/editor. Ready your query letter. Research agents and publishers for your genre.

If you fall into the category of waiting-for-responses-so-you-can-cue-the-confetti, continue to improve your manuscript by making it more concise. Keep writing while you wait, either start the next in the series, or write something completely new.

Thank you to all who visit this website. It's been my pleasure to mentor, inspire, and share my wisdom! Make 2022 your best writing year! Here’s hoping one of us gets published.


Hi. I'm Liz Ambrico, freelance proofreader and aspiring author. I too am querying agents, editors, and publishers in hopes of becoming a published author.



Wordy is the get-in-the-know hotspot for writers. From grammar to publishing find info, tips, and inspiration to take your WIP (Work In Progress) to the next level.


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I co-founded and managed a successful author and writer group on Long Island for five years. During events with publishers and authors I learned what matters, what agents are looking for, and the benefits and pitfalls of traditional publishing vs. self-publishing.

I've gained a lot of tips and tidings on my writing journey and want to share what I know.

Besides my passion for writing, I'm a fitness enthusiast, and I love coffee, chocolate, and animals. I'm mom to two amazing young men, and I live on Long Island with my husband, four zany cats, and the sweetest dog ever.

Whether you're new to writing, ready to query, or about to submit your manuscript,  welcome, you've come to the right place.

About Me


Alyssa is Wordy's website administrator and tech guru. She holds a degree in Communication and has always enjoyed writing and marketing, both of which are highly useful skills for aspiring authors. 

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