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Meet Grace DeMato

Grace began writing at eighteen. Now, twenty-five, she’s fresh out of graduate school with a master's in creative writing and a newfound love for children’s literature. She self-published her fiction novels, Captivated and The CEO, but is hoping to traditionally publish her children’s book, It’s Okay to be Different.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

After I finished writing my sixth book. This was the first one I privately self-published, about a personal experience. I turned it into a fiction novel and the feedback was amazing. So many people loved my writing and this was the first time I really had readers and reviewers. From that, I realized my talent and wanted to show more of it.

What inspired you to write your first book?

This is a funny story because a joke I was texting to friends turned into me writing a book. The joke was centered around me being CEO and having all my friends be the other high-status employees in the company. My brain kept adding details and ultimately I ended up writing a chapter. From there I had to keep writing and wrote a book. So I wasn’t really inspired, it just happened.

What genre does/do your book/books fall under?

New Adult/Contemporary

How long did it take you to write your first book?

It took me about a month, but it wasn’t very good. I rewrote it a few years later and it took me a year to do so.

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

Google is my best friend for information and I’m pretty certain the FBI has a tab on me because of all the crazy things I need for my books. As for my ideas, anything can really spark one, whether I’m walking around or watching a scene in a TV show that I think could be different.

Why did you decide to self-publish your book?

I wanted to write a book revolving around a personal experience, for people who wanted to read it. Self-publishing was the first option I saw that could give me copies of my book in only a couple of days. Also, it allowed me to format and design my whole book without having to go through anyone.

Did you get your book proofed and/or critiqued before you self-published?

I didn’t and I probably should have! I edit everything, with the help of Grammarly!

How difficult is it to get a book onto Amazon?

Not difficult at all! The only annoying thing is formatting the document for your novel that you’ll need to upload on the site.

Can you briefly explain the process?

When you’re ready to create a book, you can choose right away if you want a Kindle version or not (that way they’re linked from the start, but you can always link a Kindle version later to any paperback). You will then need to fill out book information: title, author, description, etc. The fun part is deciding what size you want for your novel, if you want a matte or glossy cover, and if the inside will be cream or white! Amazon has template downloads for each sized book they offer, making it easier for you to put your novel in, that way when you upload the document it’ll convert correctly for Amazon. You then can either upload your cover, or design it yourself on the site. (I suggest uploading a picture because Amazon’s designs are limited). Lastly, Amazon has to approve of your novel and once they do, you can publish!

Do you use the POD (Print On Demand) method?

I do!

Are you happy with your decision to use Amazon?


Do you have plans to write additional books?

I started writing one for my master's thesis and I have yet to finish it. It is a rewrite of an older book of mine. After that, I have MANY ideas I’d like to get to, one will revolve around the Seven Deadly Sins.

What advice would you give to writers just beginning the process?

Do it! You have nothing to lose and so much to gain! It’s tedious at times but when you hold your book in your hand, it was all worth it.

***To purchase one of Grace DeMato's books:

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Hi. I'm Liz Ambrico, freelance proofreader and aspiring author. I too am querying agents, editors, and publishers in hopes of becoming a published author.



Wordy is the get-in-the-know hotspot for writers. From grammar to publishing find info, tips, and inspiration to take your WIP (Work In Progress) to the next level.


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I co-founded and managed a successful author and writer group on Long Island for five years. During events with publishers and authors I learned what matters, what agents are looking for, and the benefits and pitfalls of traditional publishing vs. self-publishing.

I've gained a lot of tips and tidings on my writing journey and want to share what I know.

Besides my passion for writing, I'm a fitness enthusiast, and I love coffee, chocolate, and animals. I'm mom to two amazing young men, and I live on Long Island with my husband, four zany cats, and the sweetest dog ever.

Whether you're new to writing, ready to query, or about to submit your manuscript,  welcome, you've come to the right place.

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Alyssa is Wordy's website administrator and tech guru. She holds a degree in Communication and has always enjoyed writing and marketing, both of which are highly useful skills for aspiring authors. 

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